446 (1.4762) Stainless Steel

446 stainless steei is a ferretic stainless grade, which can witdh stand to very high temperatures. This grade is shown as AISI 446, EN 1.4762, X10CrAlSi25, UNS S44600. 446 stainless steel contains high quantity of chromium, aluminium and silicon and all these element combinations increase this grade's heat resistance. 446 stainless steel is a magnetic stainless steel grade and it is hard to make welding to 1.4762. It is not so easy to machine this grade. Because of its ferretic structure, 446 material can endure to high mechanical forces up to 500 degree celcius. 1.4762 stainless steel is not a really common stainless steel grade and 310 stainless could be an alternative in many different applications.



Grade Properties

General Properties Stars
Corrosion Resistance:
Mechanical Properties:





446 (1.4762) Grade Material Stock List

Material Shape Min Diameter (mm)

Max Diameter (mm)

Round 20 50



446 (1.4762) Chemical Composition

Grade C Al Si Cr
446 (1.4762) %0.12 max %1.20 - 1.70 %1.20 - 1.70

%23 - 26



Links About 446 (1.4762) Grade 

1.4762 (446) STAINLESS STEEL



