1.4104 Stainless Steel

1.4104 stainless steel is a martensitic stainless steel grade which can be heat threated. This grade is written as 1.4104 or X14CrMoS17 according to EN norm and it is written as UNS S43020 according to UNS norm. 1.4104 material is commenly mixed up with 430F grade stainless steel. There is only a small carbon percantage difference between 430F and 1.4104 grade and the main difference is that 1.4104 grade can be heat threated, but 1.4105 (430F) can not be heat threated. Because of this similarity, most of the people know this grade as 430F (1.4104), but this is a mistake. 1.4104 grade does not have any equivalent in AISI norm. (Like 304 or 316 or 430F) So this is the biggest reason wht 430F and 1.4104 is commenly mixed. 1.4104 grade includes good amouth of sulfur and this sulfur makes the machinability of this grade easy. 1.4104 material carbon content level is good enough for heat threatment and 1.4104 grade materials can be heat threated. 1.4104 material usually used in pump parts and automative parts. Since 1.4105 (AISI 430F) and 1.4104 grade are really similar, in many applications both of these stainless grades can be used alternative to each other.



Grade Properties

General Properties Stars
Corrosion Resistance
Mechanical Properties


Heat threatment



1.4104 Stainless Steel Stock List (Delivery in same day)

Material Shape Min Diameter (mm)

Max Diameter (mm)

Round 8 30

Other Shapes and Sizes That We Provide (In 2.5 - 3 Weeks)

Round 3 400
Hexagonal 5 60
Square 5x5 80x80



1.4104 Chemical Composition

Grade C S Mo Cr
1.4104 0.10 ile 0.17 arası 0.15 ile 0.35 arası 0.2 ile 0.6 arası 15.5 ile 17.5 arası



Links About 1.4104 Grade 

1.4104 - Stainless Steel



